Friday, February 27, 2009

I am finally back

Boy, I have never been that sick for that long before! It wasn't until yesterday that I started to feel like I was back on my way to be with the living. I was even able to pick up my knitting for a little while. Life is starting to look good again. Thank you all for the many well wishes while I was ill; they were very much appreciated!

I finally got around to using the random number generator on the comments and it picked Little Miss S. I have emailed her and the Sea Wool will be winging its way to Denmark soon.

Thanks to all of you who left a "tiny indulgence"comment! They were so much fun to read and I learned that a lot of people have similar ones. Many, many indulgences included time to knit in a favorite spot (no surprise there), hot baths or showers, favorite beverages, chocolate, TV, and warm furry companionship (no, not the husband kind). If you need any ideas for pick-me-ups, go and read all the comments for lots of ideas.


Lovs2Knit said...

Glad to here you are on the mend. Congrats to the winner. :)

Suzy Girl said...

So glad you are feeling better! Good enough to knit a little is a good sign.

Aunt Kathy said...

So glad to hear you are feleing better, I am hoping I am on the mend as well.

Little Miss S. said...

Thank you so much Susan. You really made my day - definitely time for some indulgence now :)